应用医疗的心肺/呼吸科 delivers unmatched respiratory and cardiopulmonary care to patients in Appling County and our surrounding communities. The department is located at 采用医疗’s hospital facility in Baxley, Georgia. 

Our cardiopulmonary specialists have decades of combined experience in their field and can diagnose some of the most complex disorders. The team provides the highest quality of services to individuals with issues to include:

  • 哮喘 
  • 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD) 
  • 心脏病
  • 囊性纤维化 
  • 肺气肿 
  • 新型冠状病毒肺炎
  • 急性呼吸窘迫综合征
  • 肺动脉高压
  • 肺结核
  • 严重急性呼吸综合征(非典)
  • 癫痫发作
  • 癫痫
  • 脑部肿瘤

万博买球世界杯的专家也治疗创伤患者和手术患者, 与急诊科的工作人员密切合作, 加护病房, 重症监护病房和外科医生.

Following are some of the cardiopulmonary tests and diagnostic services provided by 采用医疗:


肺功能测试是用来评估肺功能的好坏. 苹果医疗团队通常使用肺活量计, 它测量你肺部的空气进出量. 测试通常还包括肺容量测试, 哪个比肺活量测定法更精确, 扩散能力测试(DLCO), 哪个测量肺向血液输送氧气的能力.  


这个测试测量你血液中的氧气和二氧化碳含量. These results can help your doctor to determine how well your kidneys and lungs are functioning. 万博买球世界杯的专家通过采集血液样本来进行这项测试.


If you have signs or are showing symptoms of coronary artery disease or an irregular heart rhythm, 你的医生可能会建议你做一个压力测试. This test is used to determine the condition of your heart during physical activity. 因为运动时你的心脏跳动得更快更猛, 压力测试可以揭示心脏血液流动的任何问题.


动态心电图仪是电池供电的, portable electrocardiogram (ECG) that records your heart’s electrical activity continuously for 24 or 48 hours. 这个小, wearable device can let your doctor know if your heart is working properly or if you could have a heart condition. 


An electrocardiogram (EKG) is a simple and painless test that records the electrical activity and rhythm of your heart. 

为了准备考试 万博买球世界杯的心肺专家将小电极贴片贴在你的皮肤上在你的胳膊和腿上. 在测试过程中,你需要躺着不动,电极会监测你的心脏. 

电极不会通过你的身体输送电流, 它们只是探测到你的心脏发出的电波. These electrodes can see how fast your heart is beating and if it has a steady rhythm. They can also detect the strength of the electrical signals that trigger your heartbeat. 

心电图的读数不仅可以诊断心脏病发作, 但也会显示出心脏病的迹象.


超声心动图, 通常被称为“回声”,” is a test that uses ultrasound (high frequency waves) to show in motion how your heart muscle and valves are working. 

回声提供了万博买球世界杯心脏大小的重要诊断信息, 阀门的外观, and the thickness of the heart muscle along with how well your heart is beating and pumping blood. 

这种安全、无创的测试不需要特别的准备. Our specialist will adhere small adhesive patches with wires to record the timing of your heartbeat. A small, handheld wand covered with gel is used on your chest to obtain the ultrasound images.

这是心脏病学中应用最广泛的影像学检查之一, the echocardiogram is a valuable tool in helping your physician to identify heart disease.


由万博买球世界杯的 核医学科, this is a test in which a radiopharmaceutical (imaging agent) is used to evaluate blood flow to your heart muscle while at rest and stress. This test helps to determine if your heart is getting sufficient blood flow whether resting or your heart is under stress (ex: exercised, 当一个需求被放在你的心上). If abnormalities are found, this test aids in the selection of an appropriate treatment plan. 此测试需要3-5小时才能完成.


An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a diagnostic test used to measure the electrical activity of the brain. It can help identify abnormal brain activity, such as after a head injury or stroke. 脑电图还可以诊断癫痫等疾病, 癫痫发作, 头晕, 头痛, 脑瘤和睡眠问题.

The EEG is a painless and very non-invasive test that can typically be completed in one to two hours. To begin, while you are lying on a bed, our specialist will attach several electrodes on your scalp. 这些电极是可以探测电信号的金属圆盘. 它们与一台记录你大脑活动的电脑相连. 你不会感到头皮或其他地方有任何震动.

在测试过程中,你会得到口头指导. 你可能会被分配各种任务,比如阅读或看图片. 这是为了帮助刺激你的大脑,帮助展示你的大脑是如何反应的. 

EEG完成后,您的数据将被分析和解释. 您的医生将在后续预约中与您讨论您的结果.