Outpatient Scheduling & Approvals

门诊程序安排和批准(预认证), 请拨打912-366-6002致电万博买球世界杯中心调度办公室, fax 912-367-1200.

Visiting Patients

Appling Healthcare’s patients reserve the right to have family and visitors during their hospital stay. 病人和访客必须遵守医院的规定. 请参阅万博买球世界杯的医院探访政策 here.

Customer Service

如果您对万博买球世界杯的服务有任何疑问, 除了这个网站上的资源, please reach out to us.
Call us: 912-367-9841 or CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE

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Patient Rights

The employees and medical staff of Appling Healthcare respect the dignity and pride of each individual with unique needs and perspectives. The following reflects your rights and responsibilities as we provide you or your family care:

You Have a Right To

  • 参与制定和实施您的护理计划
  • 对你的护理做出明智的决定
  • Know who is coordinating your care; physicians, nurses, 以及其他照顾你的人, treatment, or services, 包括涉及的是学生或其他受训者.
  • 得到体贴和尊重的照顾,不受年龄歧视, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, 身体或精神残疾, socioeconomic status, sex, 性倾向和性别认同或表达, 以及医疗费用的来源
  • 期望在一个安全的环境下,你能得到万博买球世界杯你的安全的照顾
  • Expect care to be given in an environment free from all forms of abuse or harassment
  • 接受适当的疼痛评估和管理
  • Ask for and receive complete and understandable information about your condition, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, care, 以可理解的方式进行出院护理.
  • 请求和/或拒绝治疗
  • Have access to treatment facilities that are available and medically indicated
  • 为了有效沟通,必要时请求辅助工具
  • 你的文化和精神信仰受到尊重
  • Have an Advance Directive (such as a living will or durable power of attorney for healthcare) concerning treatment with the expectation that the hospital staff and practitioners who provide care will honor that directive to the extent permitted by law
  • Designate a decision-maker in case you are incapable of understanding a proposed treatment or procedure, 或者你无法表达你对你的照顾的愿望.
  • Have your family, 在适当和法律允许的情况下, to be involved in your care, treatment, and service decisions
  • Have your attending physician notified promptly of your admission to the hospital
  • 有个人隐私权吗
  • 接受私人和保密的照顾
  • 收到账单的解释
  • Request and receive information contained in your medical record within reasonable time frame
  • Expect that confidentiality of information in your medical record will be maintained
  • 请求并接受医院伦理委员会的指导
  • Be free from any restraint or seclusion that is not clinically necessary or necessary in an emergency situation to ensure your immediate physical safety, or the safety of others
  • 向医院工作人员、医务人员或病人表达关切 & 家庭充足,不用担心报复或歧视
  • 请求协助的关切,或提交正式申诉与病人 & 并收到家属的书面答复.


  • 提供完整和准确的健康, 医疗和保险信息,如有,包括预先指示
  • 体谅和尊重其他病人, hospital staff and hospital property and encourage your visitors to do the same
  • Honor the right to restrict visitors and comply with AHCS policy prohibiting smoking and use of illicit or non-prescribed drugs or alcohol
  • Ask questions when in doubt
  • 将您的健康和/或状况变化告知您的护理人员
  • Follow your caregiver’s instructions or discuss with them any obstacles you may have in complying with your prescribed treatment plan
  • Accept responsibility for refusing treatment or not following your prescribed treatment plan
  • Be aware that your right to be involved in your plan of care does not include receiving medically unnecessary treatment
  • 履行与所接受的保健服务有关的财务义务
  • 尊重和遵守医院的规章制度,包括那些禁止冒犯的规定, threatening, 和/或辱骂性语言或行为
  • 如果有的话,请提供一份您的预先医疗指示的副本
  • 与你的医疗保健提供者保持预约和合作. Should you have to cancel an appointment, do so at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled time.
Your Feedback Matters

We want to hear from you regarding your satisfaction with our care and services, 以及改进的建议. 帮助万博买球世界杯衡量万博买球世界杯的努力, 万博买球世界杯在病人住院后对他们进行随访, 如果万博买球世界杯通过邮件联系你, we hope you will take a moment to respond to our survey questions (provided by NRC Picker). 您的意见将帮助万博买球世界杯改进万博买球世界杯提供护理的方式. 万博买球世界杯也欢迎并鼓励您随时提出意见. All information is used to support our efforts to continually improve the quality of your care and safety.

We encourage you to call the Patient Liaison to share your concerns at (912) 367-9841 ext. 3503.

难道万博买球世界杯不能解决你的问题吗, 万博买球世界杯建议您与乔治亚州社区卫生部联系, Two Peachtree St, NW Atlanta, ga30303(404-657-5726或800-878-6442).


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